“Why We Can Rejoice Always” - Key Largo Baptist Church - Feb. 11th - message starts at about 22 minutes.

Dwayne Eslick Relentless Joy Philippians 07 06 2014 Preached at New Life Community Church - Midway Chicago IL
Dwayne Eslick January 19th 2014 Finding Words Series Preached at New Life Community Church - Midway Chicago IL
Knowing The Brand New You Pastor Dwayne Eslick Preached at New Life Community Church - Midway Chicago IL
Feb 17 2013 Be The Change Series In the Zone Where Finances No Longer Stress Preached At New Life Community Church - Midway Chicago IL

Message preached to youth leaders at the Regroup Conference 2024

Part of a message given at youth summer camp for Iglesia Real in Hollywood FL

Why did Jesus turn the tables of the money changers in John chapter 2? What did it mean that passion for God’s house consumed him? What temple should every believer be passionate about?

John baptized many in the Jordan river. Jesus gathered a few disciples and spent some quality time with them and the disciples of Jesus began baptizing even more people than John. Are you a disciple that makes disciples? Who should do the baptizing?

When are your prayers most desperate? And what kind of impact is God wanting to bring to those around you as a result of your pursuit of Jesus?

Imagine studying the Bible your whole life and missing the point? Imagine living your whole life and missing the point? Imagine the most important person who ever walked the earth is right in front of you and you don’t realize it? Are you missing the point?

Cultures all around the world make bread! Jesus claims to be the “Bread of Life.” Are you spiritually hungry?

Message from Explore God series of questions: “Is Christianity too Narrow?” Guest speaker at the Cross Church.

Another version of the message on why Jesus flipped the tables two separate times. Are you pushing people away when they are trying to seek God?